A Sunday point of view

Well here I sit once more, in a variable state of undress enjoying the ultimately quiet morning while the others are sound asleep downstairs. I honestly love the early morning and laugh to myself when I hear others talk about their dismay with waking up so early in the morning, There truly is no better time of the day.

I started waking up early several years ago, and its always been a favorite time, I hate myself when I actually sleep in late, I remember doing it when I was younger and would waste half my day in bed "catching up" on my sleep. I would spend my days off sleeping till 2 pm then complaining and getting aggravated with myself for doing it. Now that I am older and somewhat wiser, I would rather get up and enjoy the morning and get my day started than to waste half of it wishing I had.

I went to a midnight showing of "Halloween" last night, and as I was waiting at the theater last night for the rest of the group to show up, I was watching the people in the theater that were arriving and leaving, and I found myself shaking my heads at the things some of the kids were doing and how they were dressed, and then I thought "my god, am I becoming my parents?" 

Am I becoming the person I always said I wouldn't when  would get in trouble as a youth.  look at that hair, look how she is dressed, and the ever popular one I was never like that when I was younger.. I wondered why their parents would let them out with shorts and no coat on, and then thought of how I used to do the same thing, however I am noticing that kids do seem to be a little more obnoxious than we we were young, but then again everything does change, we had our "things" now its time for these kids to have their things..

nothing is on my list of things to do today, so I am going to head down and shower, and put on the most comfortable items I can find and just be utterly content to relax here at home, maybe even do something I never do, take a nap, in other words I am going to fully enjoy my Sunday I honestly hope the rest of the world follows suit....
