Halloween bash 2012

Well the 2012 Halloween bash has come and gone, and thanks to the wonderful friends we have, it was an awesome success!  the party started at 9pm sharp, and the guests started showing up at 8:45, and we were off. Frank was responsible for the table and the centerpiece and as usual he did a great job, and it was appreciated by all the guests.

All kinds of costumes graced the party this year, we had pirates, skeletons, Cheech & Chong, Satan, doctors, ghouls, gladiators and a slew of other assorted delights. we had a full table of delightful things to eat and we offered drinks of all assortments. The weather was completely cooperative with us, a little on the cool side but that left the option open for the fire pit, were folks were able to enjoy the outside and get warm if need be.  I haunted the balcony smoking area, it didn't come out as good as I wanted it to, however when the fog machine kicked in, the effect I was trying to reach was most definitely reached.

 once nightfall came around, the smoke machine would let loose and really put the spooky look on the smoking lounge, it didn't last long, (the fog) but it was pretty cool. I have some really fun ideas for the area for the Christmas bash, can't wait to put them to work and set it up. I really wanted to do more than i did, but the time just wouldn't allow me to, it just moved way too fast.
I'm guessing the best story of the evening would have to be my own experience with my costume, I decided to go the easy way and buy one of those second skin costumes, something i could just "slip into" and not have to worry about the hassles of makeup or stuff like that.

the costume had easy in and out access, so after wearing it a while I could unzip it and pull my head out and breath and eat and drink for a bit. upon zipping up one time during the course of the evening, the zipper pull came off and at that point I realized I was basically inside it for a while. about 20 minutes after breaking the pull off, the urge to go take a leak decided to kick in, and I made my way to the bathroom, (now it gets funny) I went to find a place on the zipper where I could pry open the suit, but there was none, I was sealed in pretty good, which in turn stirred my claustrophobia a bit.

I tried to just rip it at the zipper, but it wasn't happening, then panic started setting in along with the urge to piss my brains out. I started grabbing different sections of the suit in an attempt to rip it, but that wasn't happening either... now panic, the urge to pee, and aggravation sets in together giving me the reason to cuss about my situation. after about 15 minutes and a very near miss of pissing all over myself, I was able to cut myself out of the suit in the nick of time!

needless to say, that was the end of my costume for the night, I still had a wig and the coolest LED gloves, and it still constituted as a costume (yay for me) so all worked in the end.. The dogs were on their best behavior for the evening, we kept them up on the third floor for the first couple of hours, of the party, they barked at different times, and some of the guests even went up to visit them and give them some attention and love.

 this year's party was a delightful success just like the past 10 years, now its time to relax for a few days then take down the spookiness that I put up several weeks ago, pack it up and store it for another 365 days... Thanks to all that attended the bash, I look forward to doing it again next year, I hope you are too!

 Now its time to start planning for the final bash of the year, I only have 53 days left until the 2012 Christmas bash, the wheels are turning, and its going to be so cool, fun, and even a little challenging for the guests... What? I have to keep things exciting ya know, really I do..

Happy Halloween!


  1. We had such a good time, and you are right, everything looked so perfect. My only exception was I could not find you to say hello too. As we were leaving my lovely wife pointed out that you were in the skeleton. Great costume! Thank you for a fun evening.


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